Why is Meghan Markle Hated? | It’s Not Just Racism…

Meghan Markle

[Read to the end for insight into what Meghan Markle’s experience means for Black Women.]

I thought that this would be the perfect time to share my views about Meghan Markle since I saw her on the cover of my newspaper yesterday. It’s clear that many people but specifically White people have an issue with Meghan Markle. Not all but many. It has been all over the news, social media, etc. and the usual response to the disrespect she has faced is “it’s racism!”; this idea that some people just don’t like Black people and the fact that this Biracial woman is in the Royal Family is an issue.

What’s interesting about Meghan is that she has both male and female “haters” which is something I want to explore. Most Meghan haters are women and even some Black Women do not resonate with her as a Biracial woman but it’s mainly White Women who have an issue with her. I think it’s pretty obvious why that is and its jealousy (This was highlighted in their Netflix documentary “Harry & Meghan” by Christopher Bouzy who found that most of her trolls were “Caucasian housewives”. They view her as occupying a space that is not for her and for decades White Women have been able to get away with being jealous of Black Women/WOC. We have a society where if a Black Woman makes a slick comment about a White Woman, it’s jealousy or she’s bitter but if a White Woman speaks negatively about a Black woman, it’s racism. For someone like myself, due to my personal experiences, this bitterness and envy from White Women over this Biracial duchess is no surprise to me but they’ve been able to get away with it due to the racism label.

Kate Middleton who is the wife of Prince William even made Meghan cry at one point but the media twisted it to make it seem like Meghan had made Kate cry:

Kate made meghan cry

When it comes to men, I did see the usually hoteps making ignorant comments and using the language that they would use when berating Black Women in interracial relationships even though Meghan’s father is white but some Black Men in the UK saw it as a positive thing and when they saw her getting hate, they co-opted the “racism” narrative.

When it comes to men, I did see the usually hoteps making ignorant comments and using the language that they would use when berating Black Women in interracial relationships even though Meghan’s father is white but some Black Men in the UK saw it as a positive thing and when they saw her getting hate, they co-opted the “racism” narrative.

A famous example of a White Man with hatred for Meghan is Piers Morgan who is a popular TV host in the UK  and has a borderline obsession with Meghan:


He was also exposed by the billionaire business magnate Lord Sugar who stated that Meghan was not responding to his calls for whatever reason:

Piers Lord Sugar

This type of energy is not a surprise for many Black Women because when we don’t give men what they want they become very resentful towards us/ our race and this is probably why Black women have high rates of online/physical abuse because of this kind of energy. Men of all races seem to feel entitled to us responding to their demands.

Back to the topic…

Meghan Markle young

Meghan Markle is a Biracial American actress and she found herself as a member of the British Royal Family after marrying Prince Harry, who is the son of Prince Charles (air to the throne), and Princess Diana. As of now, they have left the royal institution due to several reasons which they shared in an interview with Oprah. When we look at how Meghan has been treated, our first response is racism. We say that because she has a Black mother, people don’t like Black people and therefore don’t want that black blood diluting the royal bloodline.

Unfortunately, this has been the response to a lot of things about the treatment of Mixed/ Black Women. In my post “Why Does Misogynoir Exist?”, I write about how black women are interacted with differently in comparison to White, Asian and Hispanic women. The original thought process is always “this is because of racism” but we have to understand this is not the 1900s where most people were like; your skin is dark so you’re tainted or there’s some type of fear just because you’re black because Meghan isn’t even a dark-skinned woman. She is a light-skinned, borderline passing Biracial woman and we live in multicultural Britain.

On the cover of the newspaper, I came across yesterday, Meghan is called “shameless” and “desperate to be famous” for her appearance on the Ellen show and she is compared to “classy Kate” at an award show. However, in the U.K many newspapers have images of sexy models or celebrities on the first inside page, and in that very newspaper is a mixed raced model who they refer to as stunning. Racism does exist here but living in the UK all my life, it’s a bit ridiculous to think that the masses have such an issue with this passing Duchess solely because she’s part, Black.

I’ve been given a gift to see things a bit deeper and the real question that has to be asked is “What is it about Black women that people don’t like?” it’s not just dark skin because there’s a lot of people with dark skin who aren’t Black and a lot of Black people with light skin. I broke this down in “Why Does Misogynoir Exist?”.

The hatred of this Biracial princess showed me something that I regularly talk about particularly when I talk about the desirability of Black Women. When I speak on it, it always triggers many people including Black Women because of course we’re tired of putting Black Men on a pedestal and other races of men find it hard to admit that they have these feelings but bear with me.

At its core, I think it comes back to this inferiority that I believe some “every day” White Men have when it comes to Black/Mixed Men. Now I know you’re thinking wtf but let me try to explain this and how it relates to Meghan. “Everyday White Men” is a term I use to describe the White Men you encounter daily, to emphasize the fact that not every White Man is super successful and because some of the richest men on this planet are White when we talk about White Men or non-Black Men, sometimes we picture this successful guy but not many men are part of that and most White Men like every other guy are just regular guys. These men definitely have some insecurities towards Mixed/ Black men.

With Meghan, I don’t think racism or hatred of Black people is a good enough term to describe some of the vitriol she’s faced specifically from White men and the British press.

I believe that because of how “every day” White Men see themselves in comparison to Mixed/ Black, they don’t think that a Mixed/ Black woman, especially if she is on the more attractive side would truly ever be attracted to them or love them. This is why when a Mixed/ Black woman is with a white man especially a very wealthy or powerful white man, they believe there is always an ulterior motive. Even if Meghan was less attractive to where they’d be more likely to believe that she desires Harry, these same people would say he could do better so it’s a lose-lose situation when you rely on the opinions of others.

Meghan and Harry

Deep down many of them can’t fathom that this beautiful Biracial actress is attracted to that ginger prince. Just to bring some knowledge to my international followers there is some type of hierarchy in white culture where gingers are seen as “not the freshest cookies in the box”. There is a hierarchy from blonde to brunette to ginger in the white world (this is nowhere near colorism in communities of color but nonetheless), you can look up ginger discrimination.

Therefore, they don’t believe Meghan finds this man attractive. She must want fame, she must want to be a princess and she must want to climb up the social ladder. Especially when you see comments about her on Daily Mail it always comes from this angle of her using him.

Even recently the Daily Mail was discussing Lauren Sanchez who is the current Latina girlfriend of the billionaire Jeff Bezos:

. ^Most of her past partners have been Afro-Latino/Black Men and so of course she was insulted left and right. She was labeled all sorts and I remember a few comments saying that she reminded them of Meghan Markle; they see them as social climbers/ gold diggers because these women “aren’t really attracted to the powerful White Men they’re with”.

You see this with any Black Woman who is with a successful, usually White man. I’m sure some of you are still in denial about my original conclusion so let me give you some examples. I remember seeing an article about Melody Hobson and George Lucas and for those who don’t know those names, George Lucas is a billionaire who created the Star Wars franchise with a net worth of 7.1 billion last time I checked:

Mellody Hobson

His wife is a Black woman and Melody Hobson it’s not just any Black Woman, she’s a very successful woman on the board of many companies. She’s a CEO and she’s broken so many glass ceilings but I recall on the article seeing a comment saying “he will have no money in 10 years”. Most of the comments were positive but this still had some thumbs up. Let’s dissect this. The man clearly had no idea who Melody Hobson was. He doesn’t know that she’s a CEO and she may not be a billionaire but she has more than enough money. He just saw a Black Woman and a White Man who we all know is a Billionaire movie director and assigned this label that he will not have money because she will somehow take it from him. At face value, we’ll say that this man is placing a gold digger archetype on Black Women but we should know by now that Black Women are probably the least gold-digging race of women as it’s statistically proven we date down more than any other race. There are literally schools in Eastern Europe and Asia teaching women how to take men’s money and they are at the forefront of that way of living and most sucessful White Men I’ve come across to in rl know this. Even practically we know that Black Men don’t have the largest pool of wealth and are oftentimes subject to gold diggers of other races, so where does this come from? Why would a non-Black Man associate Black Women with gold-digging?

The basis is that if a Black Woman is with a White Man (specifically), she must have an ulterior motive because that’s not what Black Women like. This is what White Men believe (this is their own insecurities and also our own doing which I will discuss in future posts).

Don’t you wonder about “every day” White Men being insecure about Black Men dating White Women (let’s be honest) but yet many seem to also have an issue with the opposite (BW/WM) and this is actually not a natural thing.

You can even see that in the Asian community, Asian Women are clearly very open to dating men of other races and so Asian Men do find some delight in Asian Men dating other women because this is natural. No one wants to feel rejected or undesirable but with White Men, sometimes you don’t see this. It’s because of what they think the Black Woman’s motive is and how they see themselves in comparison to Black Men.

Whenever you see an attractive BW with a successful man on platforms like the Daily Mail, there’s always comments alluding to the fact that she may be an escort or “how much is he paying her?”. When you’re someone who doesn’t look deeper and know that human beings are driven by many emotions, you may falsely begin to assign such comments to the “hypersexual” label and feel some type of way that a section of society views you that way but such narratives are an expression of: “that woman wouldn’t be with that man if it wasn’t for his money and potential financial gain”. This is because BW have contributed to the idea that we only desire one type of man and how the masses (specifically men of other races) view themselves in comparison to said man. Now as a BW, to care about what others think is death but I point this out because I want BW to understand that there’s so much behind what people say/do and therefore it is wrong to take it personally.

They don’t realize that it’s not Black Women en masse who are actively seeking these billionaires or princes (especially in the past because BW have been so conditioned to seek love over money unlike other races). They don’t understand that “everyday” non-Black men are oftentimes insecure of Black Men and therefore wouldn’t approach a Black Woman but when a beautiful or even average Black Woman is in an environment with men who are confident and successful, they don’t see Black Men as a threat and so relationships can form.

Let’s give another hypothetical example because it’s hard for us to admit these things and be honest so let’s look at someone like the billionaire Elon Musk. He’s dating the singer Grimes who is a singer and she’s not making anything close to what he’s making yet I have never in my life heard someone suggest that she is a gold digger Let’s hypothetically say Elon was dating the Biracial singers Tinashe or Doja Cat. They are more popular and richer than Grimes but let’s just say Tinashe was dating Elon. What do you think the masses would say about this? I’m sticking to a Biracial woman because these Women have White fathers/White mothers so racism can’t be the main issue. How do you think her Instagram comments would look like if she was dating Elon Musk?

Would they say she’s a gold digger? No one has called Grimes a gold digger but they would probably say Tinashe or Doja Cat is one. Why is that?

Because White Men compare themselves to men, they perceive a Tinashe would like a BM/Mixed man and deep down don’t think they would measure up this. This is their own personal feelings and you see this when “everyday” White Men talk about themselves and you even see this kind of dynamic is always used in porn, particularly in a genre they call Cuckold where the White Man meekly watches the Black Man sleeping with his partner.

Back to Meghan…

We can’t say it’s just about wanting a White utopia because none of Meghan’s children are going to look Black. Literally by one generation, they could get rid of any blackness but let’s look at another hypothetical. Let’s say Meghan was an Indian or Pakistani woman. I think this is a good example because, in the UK, these groups also face negative stereotypes and racism. Let’s say Meghan was an Indian woman, and White Women may hate because they’ll still think she is occupying a space that is meant for them and maybe there will be a few racist jokes but would White Men care? I’m assuming but I doubt it. I doubt Piers Morgan would pay it as much attention or call her a social climber. I believe it’s because they would think that this Indian woman, or of any other heritage (unless she’s had Black exes) truly likes this ginger Harry because of how they see themselves in comparison to Asian men. I talk about this in my post on desirability about how White Men who date Asian Women and White Men who date Black Women are completely different in how they see themselves. If you’re a Black Woman with a White Man, the last person he’s interested in is an Asian Woman and vice versa because it represents something very different (and Asian Men and Black Men are opposites when it comes to Western stereotypes), for the most part, and that’s why they rarely overlap.


White Men would think that this Asian woman truly loves the ginger prince and many Asian Women have capitalized off of White Men’s confidence that they are better/ more masculine than Asian Men. In no way do I want to put Black Men on an unnecessary pedestal but it’s important for us to understand that White Men/ non-Black Men compare themselves to Black Men and this influences their interactions with Black Women and it’s why there’s so much vitriol whenever a Black Woman is with a wealthy powerful White Man from these same men. This is why there was no empathy even when Meghan lost her child because they don’t think she likes Prince Harry, they don’t truly think she has a real and authentic love for him. They see her as this conniving Biracial woman who is just trying to get to the top.

Also, I’d say that there are 2 more things that make Meghan’s journey a bit harder and why some groups, especially men are not as receptive to her. Being biracial and how this relates to what I discussed above makes these things a bigger issue but on their own, they do trigger a certain type of man:

  1. She was a divorcee
  2. She is older than Harry

Some men have an issue with the idea of a woman being able to marry someone, leave them and find another man afterward and this fear creates hate for single mothers/ divorcees. Many misogynistic men also have an issue with older women because they want women to think that if they’re over 25, they can’t get the best of men and so they instill this fear to ensure their access to us.

To conclude I think that the reason Meghan Markle is disliked by some is because of envy, she was a divorcee, she’s older than Harry and many men think that any Mixed /Black Woman with a wealthy, successful, or powerful White Man has an ulterior motive because of how they see themselves in comparison to Mixed/ Black men.

So, what does the Meghan Markle story actually mean for Black Women because this is a Biracial duchess with a very loving husband, I’m sure she’ll be alright lol but what does her experience represent for us?

Firstly, I’ll say that you could literally be knitting hats for orphans and people may still have an issue with us because of what we represent so for me I no longer take negativity towards Black Women/Black adjacent women personally because I know it’s deeper. As a Black Woman, you need to be aware that people have different insecurities, people say and do things out of fear so you can’t take everything so personally and what you see in life is not always real. We can’t take everything at face value and sometimes you have to look at things a bit deeper.

I think her story is also motivating because if some people dislike you just for existing why not be hated for being a Duchess like Meghan or being the First Lady like Michelle, or a billionaire like Oprah. You might as well go big and have no fear about what negativity you may face. You might as well not give an f-u-c-k and keep moving forward because people hate regardless of what you do. I think there’s some freedom in that, which will allow you to do whatever is beneficial for you without caring about the opinions of others.

Another thing that crossed my mind is Meghan’s family. What many of us can relate to is not so perfect family dynamics. Meghan clearly had a mess of a father and his children from his first marriage clearly hate Meghan. I think for any Black woman who has big dreams and wants to occupy certain spaces, it’s important to not sever too many relationships or say/do things that may come back to haunt you and always keep your level up journey to yourself!



4 thoughts on “Why is Meghan Markle Hated? | It’s Not Just Racism…

  1. Great article and I can relate to this. I have a bi-racial family (everyone in America practically does) and I married outside of my race and moved abroad. I got called names, was told I married a “rag head” a “sand n!@@er” and so on, but the reality is I am happier and that is what matters to me.

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