Disregard everything I’ve ever posted

Well not exactly.

I never want to steer you guys in the wrong direction. Everything I’ve ever commented on here has been my truth and I still believe everything I’ve written about, especially on topics such as misogynoir and desirability. As most of you are aware, this blog was created due to my belief that there are many false narratives in this world that Black Women are internalizing as truth and it is harming them in a range of ways because what you believe will show up in your world.

Going even further, I don’t like to align with specific doctrines but I’ve recently come to resonate with the ‘Law of Assumption’ and have personally seen it working in my life. I’ve realised that what you assume as truth will show up in your reality. I could say ‘Black Men are colorist’ and of course, there are BM who are colorist and seek lighter-skinned partners but there are also BM who find darker-skinned women attractive and choose to marry them so in a sense is the original statement even worth knowing? You as an individual get to pick which side you sit on. If you want to sit in a world and assume that BM don’t date you because you are darker skinned then that is what will show up in your life but if you assume that there are Black Men who find your dark skin attractive then that will be your reality. What I’ve realised in life is that we have the ability to create our own reality. When we are seeking knowledge from YouTube and sites such as mine, of course there is truth in what I’ve written but you don’t have to live according to anyone else’s rules.

Although you think it’s beneficial to keep seeking out this information or the ‘truth’ it may be hindering you. I want you to disregard the outside noise and focus on stepping into the reality that you want for yourself. I think it’s key to create a separation between yourself (and your assumptions) and the external world. You can say, in the external world, ‘This is considered truth but, in my world, this is my truth’ because we obviously still have to live in the world.

Even though you don’t have to believe to assume according to LOA, it’s hard for someone to say ‘I’m desirable’ when they feel ugly. Most people have an experience that made them feel good and they start to think ‘wow I’m quite attractive’ & that’s why I’ve always been fearful about BW because we’re told so many negative things which we internalise and then we make assumptions based on those narratives about our prospects. Therefore in the past, I’ve stepped into the matrix to give insight into what we may see but in the end I want BW to understand they have control.

Here is some helpful info on the LOA: Channel



2 thoughts on “Disregard everything I’ve ever posted

  1. I understand what you’re saying but your post on how a lot of misogynoir is just BM wanting proximity to whiteness instead of something inherently wrong with BW has genuinely helped me when all this stuff gets too much. I won’t use everything I read here but I do have to say that I can’t overstate how helpful you’ve been in letting me accept me as I am.

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