Dear Black Women, They’re Not Bringing You with Them | Kanye West on on Drink Champs

I really had to write this post because since making this space, I’ve thrown out a range of statements about Black Men like “they look to White Men to gauge what is valuable” or “they look down on Black Women” or “they see White Women as a form of status” and when I came across this Drink Champs Kanye interview, I was just astonished because it embodied so many things I have alluded to in my previous posts.

I’ve come across a few Youtuber’s who discuss what they call “Black Male pathology” and suggest that although your average Black Man may speak on Pro-Black issues, they are only looking out for/ focused on themselves and have little interest in helping Black Women or as I put it “bringing us along with them” to greener pastures. I’m not suggesting every Black Man is this double-minded but it is evident that many Black Men, although “pro-black”, are obsessed with whiteness, paleness, and non-Black women as in their eyes, this is a way to move up the ladder (such a mindset already suggests defeat).

A few clips highlight the double-mindedness of Kanye:

In this almost 4-hour long interview, Kanye said many things that your average “pro-black” guy may say such as “fathers in the home are important” or wanting Black people to come together like a block and support one another. However, along with this rhetoric, there were many instances where Kanye showed his obsession with white women from Ivanka Trump to discussing interracial porn like he has in many of his interviews. Although it was a poignant and powerful interview for many (with even a few Black Women in the comments stating “protect this man” or “save this video”)…

What I noticed was that Black women were almost invisible from the conversation beyond him speaking on Candance Owens, his mother or the abortion rate which he compared to the Holocaust. Now I would be a hypocrite to sit here and say that there is something wrong with Kanye having a preference for White Women based on my own preferences but if I was sharing Farrakhan lectures while screaming I care about my White husband more than any Black person, I think I would be laughed at and called a hypocrite but no one bats an eyelid when it comes to many Black Men.

Kanye’s constant talking point nowadays is abortion and it’s like damn ye, “your culture is being aborted” because our mothers won’t put us on birth control from the age of 14 like Kris did Kim and our communities are full of predators. Why doesn’t Kanye ever talk about making contraception accessible to young Black girls or addressing predators in the community? Because he dgaf and that’s why his 45-year-old ass is dating a 23 year old Afro Brazilian girl as I type this. These men dgaf, nor practice what they preach…. It’s evident by Kanye’s obsession with abortion and the fear mongering campaign against Black Women dating other races of men, that Black Women, although not worthy of praise or commitment in many of their eyes, have a very special role: to produce Black children (sons specifically) for the continuation of the Black race so Black Men’s image continues to exist because with no Black Woman, there is no Black man (understand your power here because many of you say this thing devours you but you create it…).

I think it’s notable to highlight that post Kim K, Kanye has been out with many young mixed women. It’s evident that on a primal level, this is Kanye’s type as he confessed in the December 2006 issue of Essence magazine, “If it wasn’t for race mixing there’d be no video girls. Me and most of our friends like mutts a lot. Yeah, in the hood they call ‘em mutts”. However, do I think he’ll marry any of them young girls? No. When Kanye says “I’ll take Kim over anyone” or “I had the audacity to give the most powerful White Woman Black children”, he’s telling you that there is a status in whiteness that he cannot get anywhere else and although these mixed or w/e girls are just as if not more beautiful than Kim K, they are not the trophy he can walk around with to feel like the White Men he wishes he was, be it Steve Jobs or Walt Disney (as he admitted he’s jealous of “Jewish” men – he wants what they have).  As evident below, this isn’t just a Kanye thing:

^ Source.

Many Black Men see it as a power move but if I as a Black Women, was to strategically say like many Asian or Hispanic Women do, that there’s power in being with a White Man and I’m trying to elevate by aligning with the most powerful race of men, I’d be looked at as a self-hating white worshipping piece of sh*t. This is why I really feel some type of way when Black Women question their looks/ attributes because they are not “picked” by some famous Black Man knowing that their only flaw was being Black.

When you ask Western Black Men to prioritize Black Women in their mate selection (sighs…) this is their response:

So my question is, what are you doing? 

Now a quick disclaimer as always, this isn’t referring to every single Black Man. We know this. There’s nothing wrong with having a black partner but it’s about how we interact with/ view Black Men as a whole and that needs to change for the coming generations of Black girls and it’s about what ideas are influencing the choices we make in life as Black Women. Tyrone may be at home massaging your feet but he’s a man just like every other man and a random Black Man does not deserve a cookie just because he’s Black. This is the change. We’re #TeamBlackWomen over here because that is the only loyalty that is guaranteed to benefit us.

So… “What is the point of this post?”, “Kanye and many Black Men worship whiteness, what’s new?”, “Other MOC can be white worshipping too, it’s a product of white supremacy!”, “Why does it matter, Kanye been a coon!”. Well… 

I don’t want Black Women to be left behind. The issue is, I feel like Black Women always have some kind of hope that the Black Man (as a whole) is going to get it together (no more IR dating, no more violence, economic gains) and we’re all just going to be together living in harmony but unfortunately this is no easy feat and so whenever a Black Man comes on a platform and starts spewing that 12 tribes rhetoric and talks about strong Black families there’s some excitement that this is going to be the change even when said person saying it doesn’t have a Black family, or a solid family of any race nor does he value Black women. Some of you want to eat up this “jEws Are bAd” narrative and be all “Black power!” but it might be a Jewish Brad who wants to invest in you and take your ass out the hood *coughs Ben Horowitz” not a Kanye who’s out here looking for a White trophy. We’re Black Women… we’ve got to be smarter.

Black Women need to be careful because many want you to remain the underclass so sometimes narratives are pushed by other groups to pacify you so you continue to labor for them. Don’t listen to the words but look at the actions. Are these Black Men talking that Pro Black stuff married to mono racial Black Woman and treating her and their children like queens? Are they pouring into Black Women? Are they helping Black Women grow? If not, then what is all this rhetoric about? It’s a trick to keep the womb machine running and popping out Black sons. As a Black Woman, you don’t owe anyone a thing and when you make decisions, don’t ask yourself, what does this mean for Black Men? Don’t ask yourself what does this mean for the Black community? Ask yourself, is this good for me? Focus on yourself because no one else is and whatever promise land these Black men are trying to go to, they are not bringing most of us with them.

With everything, we must ask Cui bono?, and if not Black Women then *deuces*.


2 thoughts on “Dear Black Women, They’re Not Bringing You with Them | Kanye West on on Drink Champs

  1. I loved this post. I just wonder if other bm realize how they look like to the rest of the world when it is obvious that they are not interested in building for their own? It also seems like most bw haven’t gotten the memo that there is nothing to be gained by being race loyal. I wonder when they will come around to that. Also check out the article Far worse has happened in Brazil.

    1. I do wonder that especially after Kanye was lusting after Ivanka in the Tucker Fox interview and I noticed he gave Kanye some sort of look but again only a Black Man can answer that. I’ve already read that article and read similar articles about Brazil (TW to my Black female viewers before reading such content as I want my page to remain a safe space). Living in the West, many BW are not aware that they have options that others don’t have and even Afro-Brazilian women have many options outside of Brazil.

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